Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blogs, Blogs and more Blogs

As of September 2007, the blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 106 million blogs.

So, what is a Blog?

According to Wikipedia, “A blog (web + log) is a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order.”

The University of Lethbridge's Faculty of Education has a very brief definition.
Blog - A web log: an on-line diary or frequently updated personal web page.

Here is a quick online video by CommonCraft on“Blogs in Plain English”
You can also view it on: TeacherTube,

How can you use Blogs with your students.

10 ways to use your edublog to teach

There are many ways you can use an edublog in your teaching, here are ten to get you started
  1. Post materials and resources
  2. Host online discussions
  3. Create a class publication
  4. Replace your newsletter
  5. Get your students blogging
  6. Share your lesson plans
  7. Integrate multimedia of all descriptions
  8. Organise, organise, organise
  9. Get feedback
  10. Create a fully functional website