“Digital Natives” (Mark Prensky, author, speaker, CEO of Games2train, etc... claims to have coined the phrase) are quite at ease when it comes to using digital tools that surround them and that are readily available to all. If you observe most young students or teens using technology, the first thing that you will notice is their fearless approach in using the new technologies, be it hardware such as computers, mp3, iPods etc... or software applications such as Social Networking.
On the other hand, you have the “Digital Immigrants” (those who are expected to adapt, assimilate and embrace the newfound technologies) are often reluctant in using these new gizmos and gadgets.
Why the discrepancy? Well it appears to be linked to your age. “According to a new study from the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, your age might have something to do with your attitudes and emotions surrounding technology.” (ReadWriteWeb: Scared Of Technology? You're Old! Written by Sarah Perez / November 17, 2008).
For more detailed information read Sarah Perez’s article Scared Of Technology? You're Old! on ReadWriteWeb’s blog.