In the virtual worlds and games, players create avatars that represent them. Imagine, going to the Web and creating your own avatar, adding text that it would speak, or even adding your own voice.
Well Voki is an online tool that will allow creating an alter ego, dressing it up the way you feel and have it say what you’ve written or recorded.
Voki allows you to select your character from a variety of styles, political, famous, animals, oddballs, comic and more. Once you’ve selected your character you’ll want to customize its look, clothing, facial traits, hair and accessories including some bling. Finally you can change the background including animated ones.
Now that you have your alter ego you can now get it to speak. Type it in a text (somewhat limited in length), select a reader, (Paul (US), Tessa (South), Fiona (Scottish) are but a few examples) you can even add effects to the audio!
If you prefer you might want to record your own voice (maximum of one minute), or even upload an audio file, the possibility or endless.
Did I mention that your avatar is a world traveller? Yes when selecting the voice one of the options is language, English, French, Basque, Greek or Chinese there are over 25 languages to select from.
Once you’ve publish your Voki you can a link via email to friends, or even post it to your site.
This is a great tool for all; imagine having your Voki reading your spelling or dictée words!